
Alberto Sartoris in colours
Serigraphy works and models 1972-1992

  • Alberto Sartoris

The exhibition is curated by Michel Ritter

Alberto Sartoris was one of the modern architects of the first hour and the youngest participant in the first congress of the CIAM – International congress of modern architecture – in 1928, in the castle of La Sarraz (VD), which marked a turning in the history of architecture. Friend of the best architects and artists of the international movement, Alberto Sartoris was known internationally for his drawings in axonometric perspective.

Alberto Sartoris was one of the first modern ones to integrate colour in New Architecture. For him, colour is a component of architecture, a fourth dimension of the space which must be taken into account as early as the design of a project.

Since 1972, Alberto Sartoris publishes a series of projects, for the majority remained on paper, and publishes them in serigraphy colour, which enables him to present his axonometric perspectives in a new way. These works of graphic art bring a new dimension to his work. It is not by chance if he is rediscovered in the current of the seventies and is recognized as an architect and an artist.

This exhibition carried out by the Foundation Louis Moret, in Martigny, has a particular importance in Fribourg.  Indeed, Fri-Art presents it by supplementing it with the project Our-Lady of the Headlight, cathedral for Fribourg in steel, cement, marble and glass (1931). It is the most famous project today of Alberto Sartoris who, without being carried out, is an icon of modern architecture. The cathedral is presented in the form of model, plan, drawing and in serigraphy. Some documents of time restore the climate of the architecture in the 1930’s in Fribourg and in Romandie.