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Friart has organised over 160 exhibitions and 30 off-site projects since it was founded in 1981. In 1991, Friart moved into an industrial building at No. 22 Petites-Rames in Fribourg’s old town. At the crossroads of Switzerland’s different linguistic regions, Friart is somewhere that brings the different art scenes of French and German-speaking Switzerland into dialogue. Friart has earned an international reputation for its adventurousness and the global reach of a curatorial programme that showcases emerging, Swiss and international artists, and presents historical surveys that aim to promote the (re-)discovery of parallel histories, alternative cultures and expression, and artists and works that have not received the attention they deserve.

The Kunsthalle Friart has presented debut solo exhibitions of Dominique Gonzales Foerster (1996), Latifa Echakhch (2010), Valentin Carron (2002), Steven Parrino (2002) and David Hammons (1993), and organised significant exhibitions of work by Renée Green (1996), Julia Scher (1996), Thomas Hirschhorn (1995) and Marc Dion (1995). Recently, it hosted exhibitions by the designers Trix & Robert Haussmann (2014), Cameron Rowland (2016), Italian artist Ketty La Rocca (2019), Dorota Gaweda & Eglé Kulbokaité (2019), Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff (2020) and Hamishi Farah (2021) and organised the investigative and research exhibitions Movie Implosion! (2015), on Swiss experimental cinema, Discoteca Analitica (2019), on the emergence of multimedia environments in the 1960s, and The films of Guillaume Dustan (2020), which presented the films made by the French writer between 2000 and 2004.

Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg is managed by a non-profit association.

– Clémence de Weck: Presidency
– Nicolas Brodard
– Hani Buri
– Irène Unholz
– Elise Meyer
– Philippe Wicht
– Simon Zurich

– Michel Ritter (1981-2002)
– Sarah Zürcher (2002-2007)
– Corinne Charpentier (2007-2013)
– Balthazar Lovay (2013-2019)
– Nicolas Brulhart (since 2019)


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– Nicolas Brulhart: artistic direction
– Estelle Negro: administrative direction
– Sacha Rappo: artistic coordination
– Max Hauri: press and communication
– Ikenë Rrustemi: internship

– Valentine Yerly: art education
– Fabian Stücheli: installation and construction
– Pierrick Brégeon: graphic design
– Guillaume Baeriswyl: photography
– Chi-Binh Trieu: programming
– Jack Sims: English translations
– Anja Delz: German translations

– Camille Ayer
– Sarah Lokalema
– Nicoleta Meyer
– Hélène Locatelli
– Alix Beaudegnies
– Rojda Mavigök
– Joëlla Gatambara

– Conceição Silva Carvalho
– Aliona Cazacu

Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
Petites-Rames 22
Case Postale 294
CH–1701 Fribourg
+41(0)26 323 23 51





Ami·e·x·s Friart

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By joining, you contribute to the development and local value of the Kunsthalle Friart, support contemporary artists and help to raise artistic awareness among young people through educational activities.


– Free admission to several Friart contemporary art partner venues.*
– Discount of 20% on Friart publications and annual editions.
– Personal invitation to guided tours commented by the artistic director.
– Cultural visits (community) and annual trip.
– Free admission to Friart’s paid events.

*Aargauer Kunsthaus, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève, CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel, Kunsthalle Basel, Kunsthalle Bern, Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg, Kunsthalle Zurich, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, Kunsthaus Glarus, Kunsthaus Langenthal, Kunstmuseum Luzern, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Kunstmuseum Thun, Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Kunst Museum Winterthur, MAMCO Genève, Museo e Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino, Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen, Shedalle Zürich.


50 CHF / year
80 CHF / year
Artist / Student
20 CHF / year
500 CHF / year
> 500 CHF

– Caroline Büchler: President
– Pierre Stadler: Treasurer
– Apolline Berger: Commitee member
– Grégoire Marmy: Commitee member
– Maya Robert: Commitee member
– Hélène Wichser: Commitee member

Information: amis@friart.ch

Edition of the Friends of Friart

Each year the Friends Association of Friart invites an artist connected to the Kunsthalle to produce a special edition at an affordable price. This edition is available only to Friends and future members.

In 2023, you will have the chance to acquire a lithograph by the artist Elise Corpataux (b. 1994, Fribourg), who presented her first institutional exhibition at the Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg from June 2 to July 30, 2023. Her expressive paintings, which develop a sentimental visual language, refer to the partially conscious aberrations. With their romantic tropes, her paintings remind us of the passing of time, the passage of days, and nostalgia. Often representing a counterpoint to a psychic life in search of a formula for existence, the mnestic markings are a reminder of the past and the present.

Elise Corpataux, Michel
200 CHF special price for Friends of Friart (+50 CHF for future members)
Size : 57x38 cm
Technique : lithography, print on paper
Copies : 30 (+3 artists proof)

Your ordering options:
Online: online form
By telephone: 026 323 23 51
On site at the Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg during opening hours. There is one exhibited print.

Word of the artist :
Michel is a lithograph of a work that is in my exhibition Life isn’t good it’s excellent. It is significant because it marks a crossing point in my practice, which until then had been exclusively painterly. I have a strong memory of a series of works by Michel Ritter that featured images of babies in baskets. This series was exhibited in the same space in 2021. So this edition is also an allusion to an artist figure who preceded me. In my work, it often happens that the motifs are allusions. Without the gesture being heavy-handed, I am concerned with paying tribute out of affinity, in an affective rather than theoretical relationship.” (Elise Corpataux)

Elise Corpataux ( *1994, Fribourg ) graduated from the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW in 2020 and was awarded the Leenaards Foundation scholarship in 2021. Based on a technique that expressively captures semi-conscious wanderings, Elise Corpataux develops a painting practice that revolves around sentimental imagery. Her paintings, infused with romantic tropes, evoke the passage of time, the fluctuations of the days and the nostalgic. Among her recent exhibitions, Liste Art Fair, Basel, with the gallery suns.works ( 2022 ) ; La Réforme de Pooky, Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg ( 2022 ) ; After David Reed’s Bedrooms ( with Nicolas Ponce ) ( 2022 ) ; spring owns everything, Plymouth Rock ( 2021 ) ; Special Favor ( with Natacha Donzé ), galerie lange+pult, Auvernier ( 2021 ) ; Kiefer Hablitzel Prize, Halle 3, Basel ( 2021 ) ; Plattform19, CACY, Yverdon-les-Bains ; Image : Reading, Forde, Geneva ( 2018 ).

More informatione: amis@friart.ch

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Located in a former cardboard factory, Friart’s exhibition spaces are located on two floors, the ground and first floors of the building. The main space (c. 100m²) is flanked on either side by large industrial windows and a central colonnade. The first floor (c. 70m²) is L-shaped. The windows and the central colonnade are similar to those on the ground floor. The technical equipment rooms can be found on the third floor, as well as an apartment for the reception of artists. The reception and bookstore are located in the basement.


Friart’s exhibition spaces can be rented for private events. Private events must be compatible with the Friart calendar.

Information and pricing: info@friart.ch


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Located at the Friart reception, the bookstore presents a selection of catalogues, artists’ books and novels, monographs and theoretical works on contemporary art. In addition to a wide range of the latest specialist magazines and books, new publications are added every month in relation to Kunsthalle Friart exhibitions and the town’s cultural activities. Artists, curators, art spaces and institutions are regularly invited to curate a section of the bookstore. 

Information and orders: editions@friart.ch


Friart thanks for the support by
– Loterie Romande
– Agglomeration Freiburg
– State of Fribourg
– City of Fribourg
– Swiss Confederation, Federal Office of Culture
– Friends of Friart
– Kiefer Hablitzel Stiftung
– Ernst Göhner Stiftung
– Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim Stiftung
– Ernst & Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung
– Stiftung Temperatio
– Coriolis Infrastructures

and its partners
– Association of Museums of the Canton of Fribourg
– Association K / Verein C
– Association of Museums in Switzerland
– Fribourg Tourism
– Kollektiv Ortie
– Atelier Studio 48
– WallStreet
– Restaurant du Belvédère
– Moonlight Kombucha
– Cantina del Mulino
– Le Cric, Cooperative Printing Office
– Center of Socioprofessional Integration Fribourg, CIS


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