The Friends of Friart receive a 20% discount on editions and publications.
Editions / Books

Edition Friends of Friart 2025
[ a n y m a ] Michael Egger, Screenshot I-X, 2021
420 CHF (framed)

Exhibition poster
Laurence Kubski, Sauvages
Enquête photographique fribourgeoise
20 CHF

Exhibition poster
[ a n y m a ] Michael Egger
Feedback Follies
20 CHF

Laurence Kubski
39 CHF

Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff
German Theater 2010-2022
40 CHF

Exhibition poster
Bernhard Schobinger
B.S. Kosmos – 50 years of creation
20 CHF

Edition Friends of Friart 2023
Elise Corpataux, Michel, 2023
200 CHF for Friends (without frame)
+ 200 CHF with framing suggested by the artist
+ 50 CHF for future members

Charlotte Johannesson
Scarves Save as art?
Out of stock

Exhibition poster
Sky Hopinka, Our Ailing Senses
20 CHF

Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff
650 CHF

Exhibition poster
Charlotte Johannesson, Save as art?
20 CHF

Ei Arakawa
Don’t Give Up T-Shirt Edition

Exhibition poster
once in a hundred years
30 CHF

Monika Emmanuelle Kazi, La cour des grands
25 CHF

Exhibition poster
Sacred Threads
20 CHF

Grégory Sugnaux
Edition by the Friends 2022

Exhibition poster
La réforme de Pooky
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
Sara Dearedt, free
20 CHF

Cécile Monnier, des nuits sans silence
38 CHF

Exhibition poster
Ei Arakawa, Don’t Give Up
30 CHF

Ceylan Öztrük
Matter of non
1200 CHF

Affiche d’exposition
Brad Kronz, Nine Types of Industrial Pollution
20 CHF

Georgia Sagri
Stage of Recovery
Edited by DIVIDED
15 CHF

25 CHF

Exhibition poster
Elise Corpataux, Life isn’t good it’s excellent
20 CHF

Exhibition poster
Andreas Hochuli, The Year of the Babyshit Brown SUV
20 CHF

Exhibition poster
Cécile Monnier, des nuits sans silence
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
La main–pleur
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
Monika Emmanuelle Kazi
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
Nora Kapfer
30 CHF

Georgia Sagri
25 CHF

Exhibition poster
Georgia Sagri, Case_L
20 CHF

Ceylan Öztrük
The Motive
15 CHF

Exhibition poster
Ceylan Öztrük
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
Michel Ritter
30 CHF

Jubilee box set
Out of stock

Jubilee scarfs
100 CHF

Exhibition poster
30 CHF

Fri Art est né du vide. L’esprit d’une Kunsthalle
20 CHF

Eliane Laubscher
Fri Art vu par Eliane Laubscher
750 CHF

Giulia Essyad
Publication New Heads
15 CHF

Exhibition poster
Hamishi Farah
30 CHF

The Unplugged
After Manzoni

Arunà Canevascini
Edition by the Friends of Friart
200 CHF

Les films de Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)
Trois films d’appartement

Les films de Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)
Les films d’entretien

Les films de Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)
Le cycle de Tristan

Les films de Guillaume Dustan (2000-2004)
La communauté

Exhibition poster
Thomas Kern
30 CHF

Thomas Kern
je te regarde et tu dis
48 CHF

Exhibition poster
Giulia Essyad
30 CHF

Giulia Essyad
Out of stock

Giulia Essyad
Out of stock

Exhibition poster
Henkel & Pitegoff
30 CHF

Exhibition poster
Plattform 20
30 CHF

Discoteca Analitica
20 CHF

Ramaya Tegegne
Ménage à Trois
28 CHF

Film Implosion!
Experimental Cinema in Switzerland
25 CHF

Francis Baudevin
250 CHF

Dorota Gawęda & Eglė Kulbokaitė
And when the ax came into the forest, the trees said: the handle is one of us
25 CHF

Out of stock

Affiche d’exposition
A House is not a Home
A Home is not a House
30 CHF

Marie Gyger
House of Four
600 CHF

Exhibition poster
Discoteca Analitica
30 CHF

Gene Beery
40 CHF

Exhibition poster
Beery / Sugnaux / Safavi
30 CHF

Gene Beery
We still have wild birds here
Out of stock

Gene Beery
Still Life
12 CHF / 15 CHF

Lucie Stahl
750 CHF

Exhibition poster
Lucie Stahl
30 CHF

Michèle Graf & Selina Grüter
80 CHF

Peter Schuyff
Out of stock

The Anti-Museum
40 CHF

Peter Schuyff
150 CHF

Peter Schuyff
34 CHF

Robert Barry
250 CHF

Graciela Carnevale
8.09 – 14.09.2016
100 CHF

Pascal Vonlanthen
Limited edition with original drawing & catalogue
300 CHF

Pascal Vonlanthen

Film Implosion!
Experiments in Swiss Cinema and Moving Images
Out of stock

Jean-Luc Cramatte
Kontaktt Cramatt
10 CHF

Robert Heinecken
Lessons in Posing Subjects
Out of stock

Trix & Robert Haussmann
Livre miroir
34 CHF

Trix & Robert Haussmann
Pour un maniérisme critique
13 CHF

Jason Loebs
Title Stack Sink Release
Out of stock

Nelly Haliti
40 CHF

Pierre-Yves Massot
Entre parenthèses
450 CHF

Delphine Reist
Baril, Parking, Caddies…
35 CHF

Stéphane Dafflon
FR007A, FR007B, FR007C, FR007D
450 CHF

Day after Day
20 CHF

Philippe Decrauzat
Out of stock

15 CHF

Steven Parrino
Exit/Dark Matter
200 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 2001-2002
25 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 2000
25 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1998-1999
25 CHF

Cabines de bain
15 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1997
25 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1996
25 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1995
25 CHF

Jean Pythoud, architecte
Économie des moyens
24 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1994
25 CHF

95 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1993
Out of stock

Catalogue Fri-Art 1992
25 CHF

Catalogue Fri-Art 1991
Out of stock

FRI.ART made in Switzerland
15 CHF