Until 02 MAR
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- [ a n y m a ] Michael Egger
![[ a n y m a ] image](https://friart.ch/media/pages/expositions/2024/a-n-y-m-a/e4c2484186-1736161526/1_24-12-23_friart_437_guillaumepython.jpg)
Under the pseudonym [ a n y m a ], the artist Michael Egger invents instruments and other audiovisual installations at the frontier between art and technology. To celebrate his 25th year in activity, he is opening the doors of his prolific universe for us by rearranging some of his most personal projects in an extensive immersive and interactive environment.
The artist makes the components of his prototypes himself, right down to the detail of the electronic circuits. Objects of contemplation in themselves, his machines generate unstable forms influenced by presence and the now: a world saturated by wiring and effects in which we mistake truth for artifice, artifice for truth.