Artistes fribourgeois
- Benoît Deschenaux
- Eliane Laubscher
- Nika Spalinger
- Frédérik Steinmann
The exhibition is curated by Michel Ritter
The four artistes fribourgeois that Fri-Art introduces consider a certain state of grace which is granted to the influences and which does not fail to destabilize the individual.
Benoît Deschenaux presents an antenna, a wood sensor, by analogy with the development of the seizure of information by technology. But this show is sensitive to more intuitive frequencies. The instrument acts as a metaphor of an individual open to what is released around him.
Eliane Laubscher reveals some notorious influences in her photographs. Her images recover a multitude of small cuttings, torn off on the surface of the pages of magazines. In doing this the photographer deciphers the promotion of the prototypes standardized by the media.
Frédérick Steinmann reveals as for him the share of the “Tiger”, this aggressive force with a beautiful glare, who lives in the human being; who charms and controls his preys. The “Tiger” is distributed in a repetition supported on the surface of some walls.
The work of Nika Spalinger recreates, as in laboratory, the state of an uprooted society. Hanging several swings to the ceiling, she makes it possible to visualize by a ludic relationship between the spectators who balance themselves, the instability of that which loses its fasteners.