Tour de Suisse
- Christian Philipp Müller
The exhibition is curated by Michel Ritter
Tour de Suisse is an overflight of institutions in our country which present contemporary art. Christian Philipp Müller, residing out of Switzerland, can pose an external glance of an artist on the practice related to contemporary art in Switzerland.
Tour de Suisse includes four elements forming a coherent unit:
The wall of the questionnairies: Two readings can be made of it, either from a sociological point of view, or on a strictly artistic point of view.
The Road Movie: The film presents visits of all these institutions by a “cultural tourist”. Stuck end to end, these visits show, in a video of approximately four hours, the reflection of an amazing artistic Tour de Suisse.
In the main room of Fri-Art, Switzerland is represented in miniature. In only one vision, the visitor can observe the areas where are concentrated the institutions dealing with contemporary art. Each city is announced according to its geographical position by the catalogues realized in each institution.
Sets of roles: Caps are at disposition of the visitors for the “role playing game”, defining seven specific characters: artiste, critic, spectator, intermediary, patron, collector and merchant. While carrying his “cap”, the visitor chooses a position real or unreal compared to its true identity and is defined thus. The artist must take into account the choice of the visitor, so that his research conveys a seizable communication for all.