
Super Discount

  • Jens Haaning

The exhibition is curated by Michel Ritter

In Super Discount, Jens Haaning uses the various aspects of the economic system in force in our society – which take into account the power of the inhabitants of various countries, the economic relations between the countries and, of course, the situation of Switzerland separated from the European Community.

Jens Haaning is one of the most radical artists in the current practice of art, being that he hardly modifies the reality. By the transposition of the line of goods of a supermarket in a space of exhibition reserved to art, Jens Haaning does not deny in any manner their value of consumption, but he adds an artistic dimension to them with a political connotation. The exhibition of these products-works of art within the framework of Fri-Art confers a new statute to them, which includes all the official steps in the field of the importation. The prices super discount are the consequences.

Jens Haaning does not want his work to be understood as a provocation. He does nothing but show the mechanisms of the economic system by the means of art, by speaking the language of the money. He tries to express his doubts about questions of  “public order” and his “own existence”. His mission is to try to widen the horizon of his public on the possibilities of art.

This exhibition is supported by Fondation Nestlé pour l’art.

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Super Discount image
Super Discount image
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