
État des Lieux #4
Prix fédéraux des beaux-arts 2000

  • Stefan à Wengen
  • Anna Amadio
  • Emmanuelle Antille
  • Katia Bassanini
  • Olaf Breuning
  • Valentin Carron
  • Regula Engeler
  • Geneviève Favre
  • Laurent Goei
  • Jasmin Grego
  • Lori Hersberger
  • Nic Hess
  • Laurence Huber
  • Dominique Lämmli
  • Jörg Lenzlinger
  • Heinrich Lüber
  • Frédéric Moser + Philippe Schwinger
  • Victorine Müller
  • Yves Netzhammer
  • Marco Poloni
  • Christoph Schreiber
  • Bohdan Stehlik
  • Monica Studer
  • Alexia Walther
  • Ingrid Wildi

The exhibition is curated by Commission Fédérale des Beaux-Arts, Pierre-André Lienhard

To mark our tenth anniversary in the year 2000 and everyone’s entry into the Third Millennium, we decided to give the Centre of contemporary art an even greater opening. The outcome is a special program called État des lieux, aiming to set up an inventory of the various aspects of current art.

Going against established practice, we decided to invite guest curators and ask them to take stock of what is happening in art now, with a view to describing the present and outlining the future. The project broke down into four events-exhibitions – four inventories – spread out over the entire year.

These État des lieux, events or exhibitions circumscribed in space and time, bring together artists in the broad meaning of the term, who focus on the concerns of the guest curators. Their job is to establish lines of communication between the various forms of thought for which art is the medium. Each of these presentations is a statement by the curator, expressive of his or her convictions.

The Confederation having decided to encourage the arts by this competitive means 101 years ago, the Federal Office for Cultural Affairs each year grants prizes to laureates selected by the Federal Fine Arts Commission. This event represents an annual inventory of current developments in the arts in Switzerland, even considering the “exceptions” that do not make their way into the official selection.

I view this event as a “ready made” that fits in perfectly with the theme we chose for 2000. The Commission assumes the role of curator, and selects artists according to its own criteria of excellence, attempting to pinpoint the various practices that best highlight contemporary trends. As it may also serve to reveal emerging issues or trends in the arts, I thought it fitting for this last ‘état des lieux’ to host the Prix fédéraux 2000 in Fri-Art. (Michel Ritter)