
In Between

  • Catherine Sullivan
  • Erini Linardaki + Vincent Parisot
  • Susanne Hofer
  • Michael Günzburger
  • Amar Kanwar

The exhibition is curated by Sarah Zürcher

After one century of cinema and half a century of video, it is essential to underline the relevance of work of video creation in a widened artistic tradition. By combining distinct styles, video would seem to be in a similar situation to that of painting at the beginning of the 20th century. It’s from this point of view that the exhibition In Between seeks to transcend the borders of video creation.

In the heart of In Between various topics are declined, often around female models. That it is Eirini Linardaki + Vincent Parisot which presents by means of fixed plans odalisque in Fontaine (2001) or the three Graces in Pi (2001), all divert the traditional perception of a work of art to redefine its contents.

In Big Hunt and Little Hunt (2002), Catherine Sullivan associates various modes of corporal expression questioning the part played in theatrical expression. Always within the borders of paroxystic states – paranoia or hysteria – the artist studies with precision the limits of the dramaturgy and scenography. As for Susanne Hofer, she uses the televisual stereotypes to denounce with irony the reducing values of a society in which the machos ideology remains.

Michael Günzburger, Amar Kanwar

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