Oswaldo Maciá, Olivier Genoud, Laurent Goei, Sabine Tholen
- Oswaldo Maciá
- Olivier Genoud
- Laurent Goei
- Sabine Tholen
The exhibition is curated by Sarah Zürcher
This last exhibition centers around the theme of change and takes on different aspects in relation to the history of places. It is along the Sarine river that Sabine Tholen chose to seed forget-me-not (the French myosotis and the German Vergissmeinnicht) that promise to bloom again every year. Now an endangered plant, forget-me-nots are rooted in the memory of people and places, sustained by countless legends that they go on sowing forever. Olivier Genoud develops a work that refers to Peter Watkins’s Punishmend Park (1971), which was filmed at the height of the Vietnam War. A sort of alternate history, or uchronia, this piece rings out like a warning. Oswaldo Macià, in turn, presents two pieces, Darfur (2006) and Calumny (2007). Darfur is a sound installation that brings to life a proverb of the Darfur region: “The dog barks, but it makes no difference to the camel – we are dogs, the world is a camel”. As the French put it: “The dogs bark, the caravan keeps going”, which brings the programming that I first set out to accomplish in 2002 to a close with a bang, with the piece entitled Calumny serving as le mot de la fin. Not that it really represents a conclusion: I am in the Middle of Something is part of a new silkscreen piece presented in a sarcastic vein by Laurent Goei.