
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else

  • Katarina Zdjelar

The exhibition is curated by Corinne Charpentier

Les portraits vidéographiques de Katarina Zdjelar concentrent leur objet sur le langage et son apprentissage : la langue étrangère apprise, remémorée, énoncée ou décryptée, source clairement lisible de tension physique et mentale chez les protagonistes, qu’ils soient un groupe de militants italiens, des écoliers turcs, des citoyens ordinaires des pays de l’Est ou des immigrants européens.

La poétique de ces portraits tient à la rencontre entre les diverses idéologies qui se trahissent dans ces langues, et les aspects psychologiques qui se lisent sur ces visages. L’artiste observe méticuleusement l’étroite corrélation ainsi établie entre la question du langage et celle de l’appartenance, communautaire ou sociale.


Loterie Romande, Agglomération de Fribourg, Canton de Fribourg, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Verticaldrape SA

I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image
I think that here I have heard my own voice coming to me from somewhere else image