Air Power = Peace Power
- Michel Ritter
The exhibition is curated by Nicolas Brulhart
Between August and November 2021, Friart Kunsthalle celebrates a double anniversary : 40 years of exhibitions and 30 years in its building at Petites-Rames 22. Through a multitude of events that link history to the present, the jubilee will be an opportunity to celebrate a place of art with a provocative and experimental tradition.
Friart is highlighting the work of Swiss artist Michel Ritter (1949–2007), who was also the founder and, between 1990 and 2002, the first director of the art centre. The exhibition focuses on several series of collages on paper made by the artist in the late 1970s. It also presents installations, sculptures and films that give an insight into the artist’s formal ingenuity aimed towards a critical view of the West.