
Economy of means
The architecture of Jean Pythoud and eight architects of Fribourg

  • Jean Pythoud
  • Andrey-Schenker-Sottas
  • Marcel Dillon + Juan Menendez
  • Yves Murith + Gérard Dupasquier
  • Dominique Rosset
  • Jean-Marc + Colette Ruffieux-Chehab
  • Manfred Schafer
  • Pierre-André Simonet + Yvan Chappuis
  • Thomas Urfer + Werner Degen

The exhibition is curated by Michel Ritter

Fri-Art presents the architecture of Jean Pythoud on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Since the 1950s, Jean Pythoud has consistently and creatively applied the principles of modern architecture. His sober buildings are based on elementary architectural principles such as space, light, structures, proportions, transparency and continuity.

Although self-taught, Jean Pythoud is a member of the FAS and was a committed president of the Œuvre in 1970-71. However, he has hardly been published as an architect, and has not succeeded in making himself known beyond regional borders. The exhibition aims to fill this gap at a time when economy of means has once again become a topical issue in Swiss architecture.

This exhibition is sponsored by the SIA Fribourg, the Engineering School of Fribourg and Pro Fribourg.

Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image
Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image
Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image
Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image
Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image
Economie des moyens :  l'architecture de Jean Pythoud et 8 architectes fribourgeois image