Images aléatoires
Alain Huck, Sans titre (détail), 1992. Photo: Eliane Laubscher
Latifa Echakhch, Still life, frame still, 2010. Photo: Julie Langenegger
Be sure to attend very carefully to what I have to say to you, 2009. Photo: Dominique Uldry
Exposition collective en collaboraiton avec le BBI, 1991. Photo: Sidler
Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff, German Theater 2010–2020, 2020. Photo: Gunnar Meier
Sarat Maharaj, Peter J. Mayers, NEURON_NEUTRALITY, 2004. Photo: Dominique Uldry
Exhibition view, La main–pleur, 2022, Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg. Photo : Guillaume Python
Jon Rafman, Dream Journal 2016-2017, Fri-Son, 2019
Cocktails, Cocktail by Cocktail, 2009. Photo: Dominique Uldry
Guillaume Dustan, Enjoy back to Ibiza, 2001. Photo: Guillaume Python
Pro-Choice, 2013. Photo: Primula Bosshard
Shirin Neshat, 1996. Photo: Eliane Laubscher